23 August 2013
- Bug fix - Article text failed to parse with API change. Fixed.
24 January 2012
- Fillscreen mode - tap in center bottom of article to toggle full screen article view.
- New preference for turning on Text justification.
- New preference to disable Delete confirmation dialogs.
- Detect when SQL storage in webOS is hung (webOS 3.0.4 issue) and prompt user to restart their device to fix.
29 November 2011
Support for
webOS devices, including the original Pre and Pixi. Requires new HP Maps application.
12 November 2011
- Support for all webOS 2.0+ devices including the Pre+, Pre2, Pre3 and Veer. Requires new HP Maps application.
- "Add Articles" - now browser and add them directly in Paper Mache. Pulls articles from givemesomethingtoread.com, nytimes.com and newyorker.com, preview article and then click "Read Later" to directly add.
- Support for "tilt to scroll" and "tilt to page" in TouchPad In Preferences "Enable Tilt Scroll". Then toggle "Tilt" On in the toolbar to begin tilting (this sets the 'origin' for the motions). When in "paged" mode you can quickly tilt the device to the left or right and then back, to go forward or back a page. When in "scroll" model you can tilt the device back or forward to slowly scroll up or down. Tilt very far back or forward to immediatley scroll to top or bottom. Quickly tilt up or down, and then back to scroll a single page up or down.
- Text justification of articles on wide displays
- Share for Google+
- Queue articles added offline.
26 October 2011
- Search. Enter a search term to search article title and descriptions.
3 October 2011
- Performance improvements, mostly for the Pre3.
- Notification on Pre3 should now display correctly.
- Remove font option for 'Georgia' on Pre3 - not available in webOS 2.2
27 September 2011
- Select article text. Use 'share' for a quote, or copy to another app.
- Fixed empty 'Move to Folder' menu
- Adjust sizing of scroll indicator
- update supporting underscore.js libraries
1 September 2011
- Pre3 supported. Functional, but has performance issues
- "Move To ..." button added to the Article toolbar
- "Add to Paper Mache" option when clicking a link in an article
- Return in username field submits, as password is not always required
- Clear timers when logging out
- Cleanup Share menu to look more like Move To menu
- Pull "Read" view out into its own kind, number of internal changes for multiView and width detection
8 August 2011
- Fix issue where if you launched the app and never logged in, it would relaunch 4 hours later attempting to sync, but asking you to login.
3 August 2011
- add 'power scroll' to go directly to top or bottom of article. use a two finger swipe up or swipe down on the article
- share to Twitter via SpazHD, if available
- share to Facebook via Facebook app, if available
- allow for other applications to save a web page to Paper Mache
- pages animate back/forward in 'paged' mode
- prevent images in articles from linking without prompt
- fix positioning of toggle buttons in webOS 3.0.2
5 July 2011
- increase width of article list
- in portrait view, when selecting an article from the list, automatically expand the article view
- in paged mode, allow click/drag in margins to go forward/back
- wider spacing of buttons in toolbar
1 July 2011
- performance tweaks - nolonger "scrub" webSQL cache on startup, remove duplicate object init, init on ready()
- change values for font size, line spacing, margin
- attempt to fix issue where UI preferences did not update immediately
- left align toolbar icons. sync now always visible
- add delete, un-archive icon to toolbar
- limit size of article process indicator
- dismiss keyboard when dialog closes
- about box links clickable